Help prevent tooth pain, decay, and gum disease to keep your mouth healthy.
Same-day emergency appointments. Call by noon and we will see you today!
Crowns strengthen and restore damaged teeth and fill gaps.
Fillings restore damaged teeth and help prevent tooth decay.
Join the 15 million smiles straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
We offer many tooth replacement options like Implants, Crowns, and Dentures.
The goal of scaling and root planing is to reduce gum inflammation or decrease pocket depths where bone-destroying bacteria live.
This non-surgical treatment can stop further loss of bone. But it does not cure the condition. Bone does not grow back around the teeth, but the tissue ligaments may reattach to the tooth to decrease pocket depths.
Our skilled dental hygienists can remove hard deposits (tartar) and plaque that has accumulated on the roots of the teeth, and then plane surfaces smooth. Ultrasonic instruments and/or lasers can be used to break loose the tartar, plus destroy and flush out bacteria.
Roots may be temporarily sensitive to cold following the scaling and root planing procedure.Because of this, our dentists recommend:
Teeth may feel mobile or more mobile but should tighten as inflammation improves and gingival tissues heal.
Oral antibiotics may be prescribed; this has been shown to wipe out populations of bacteria that thrive in the tissues around the teeth and are not accessible by planing the roots. It is important to finish the entire prescription given to you by our Hudsonville dentists.
You will be given additional tools for your home care such as a proxy brush or sulca brush.
Our dentists in Hudsonville, MI, are ready to help you and your family get the quality dental care you deserve. Call Hudsonville Dental today at (616) 209-4024, or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
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