Help prevent tooth pain, decay, and gum disease to keep your mouth healthy.
Same-day emergency appointments. Call by noon and we will see you today!
Crowns strengthen and restore damaged teeth and fill gaps.
Fillings restore damaged teeth and help prevent tooth decay.
Join the 15 million smiles straightened with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
We offer many tooth replacement options like Implants, Crowns, and Dentures.
Do you notice a soreness in your jaw or a dull, yet nagging headache when you get out of bed? Have our Hudsonville, MI, dentists mentioned signs of enamel wear or erosion? If so, you might be one of the many people who suffer from bruxism, but don’t worry, there are ways to alleviate your situation. Here’s some background information on bruxism as well as 4 helpful tips for protecting your smile. Bruxism Uncovered: What Is It? This common condition describes the excessive grinding or clenching of teeth. Bruxism can occur either during the day or at night and sufferers are typically not aware of their behavior until symptoms are felt later on. For example, someone who grinds their teeth at night may wake up in the morning with a headache or tooth pain and not know the immediate cause. Both adults and children can be diagnosed with bruxism which can range from mild to severe. Signs of bruxism can include: Tooth pain or sensitivity Pain or soreness in the jaw, neck, or face Worn tooth enamel Flattened, fractured, chipped, or loose teeth Dull headaches Jaw muscles that are tight, tired, or locked Sleep disruption that often results in fatigue...
There are many reasons why someone may seek emergency dental care. However, some dental emergencies are more common than others. If you suspect you need urgent dental care, it’s vital that you contact our office right away. If you call us in the morning, you’ll be seen the same day by one of our Hudsonville, MI, emergency dentists. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the most common dental emergencies we treat at Hudsonville Dental. Toothaches You may experience a toothache for a number of reasons. However, the most common reason for a toothache is decay. The bacteria that live inside your mouth love to eat any sugar particles left behind on your teeth and gums. If left unchecked, this bacteria can harden into tartar and increase your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. You may also experience a toothache if you have undiagnosed bruxism. Bruxism is a condition that causes you to grind and clench your teeth at night, often without your knowledge. Please let our team know if you’re also experiencing jaw pain, ear pain, headaches, and other symptoms of bruxism. Cracked or Chipped Teeth Does your tooth have a large...
If you’re not too keen on a certain aspect of your smile, you should have the opportunity to make a change. Our Hudsonville, MI, cosmetic dentists welcome all patients wanting a new look that still reflects who they are. That’s why we offer cosmetic contouring as an optional procedure inside our office. Here how dental contouring can benefit you and improve how you view your smile. Do I Qualify for Cosmetic Contouring? Not everyone is suited for the cosmetic contouring procedure, hence why it is largely an elective form of treatment. However, if you do have small chips, cracks, pits, or bulges, in your teeth, our dentists can recommend contouring to you. We can also take care of teeth that are too long or pointy if you’re not satisfied with them. It is important to understand that tooth contouring is limited by the individual tooth structure of the patient. By this we mean that any area that’s being shaped cannot be too thin and must have enough enamel present to change the tooth’s form. When the enamel of a tooth turns out to be too slim or dramatic alterations are desired, our dentists will instead suggest other cosmetic solutions like...
Dental plaque often shows up as a fuzzy-like “blanket” on teeth and must be consistently removed to prevent the onset of oral health complications. Our Hudsonville, MI, dentists can assist you in cleaning plaque from your smile when you come in for a checkup, but also recommend that daily care be practiced at home. Here’s what you need to know about plaque, the consequences of leaving it alone, and how you can get rid of it on your own. Plaque: What It Is & Where It Occurs In short, plaque is bacteria buildup. It typically manifests as a soft, sticky film on your teeth largely caused by the combination of saliva, food, and fluids. The bacteria that makes up plaque produces acids every time you eat or drink something. If removed in a timely manner, plaque is manageable. When it’s left untreated, however, not so much. Aside from forming on your teeth, plaque also likes to collect near the gum line and under the gums on the tooth roots. When the latter happens, your smile is at risk. The best solution is generally to undergo the scaling and root planing procedure. This involves our dentists cleaning above and below the...
While dental implants are great for restoring missing teeth, they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some patients may not want the oral surgery associated with implants or they may have a medical condition that will interfere with the healing that has to happen post-procedure. Our Hudsonville dentists understand this and offer other options to choose from. Here are a few of the dental implant alternatives we have available for patients who are wanting to replace teeth. Pros and “Cons” of Dental Implants There are so many benefits to choosing dental implants for yourself. However, there are also a few drawbacks that may lead some to consider other restorative options. One aspect viewed as a disadvantage is the time it takes to fully complete the process and get to the point where the dental crown is placed on top. The months in between when the implant is embedded in the jawbone and when the crown comes into play are of course dedicated to proper healing and bone growth. If this portion of the procedure is rushed, you risk implantation failure. Our dental implant dentists never want that to happen so to ensure your smile is restored in function and look, we...
You want your teeth to be brighter than they are now but you’re not sure the best way to go about getting there. Should you choose the professional route or try over-the-counter whitening products? Is teeth whitening even safe at all? Fortunately, it is with the help of our Hudsonville cosmetic dentists. Here’s what you need to know about our in-office and at-home teeth whitening options along with what you shouldn’t do to whiten your smile. Reasons for Tooth Discoloration Oftentimes, the hidden cause behind yellowed or discolored teeth is not so hidden after all. For example, if you’re like many adults around the world, you drink coffee in the mornings. Unfortunately, coffee can easily stain your teeth when consumed on a regular basis. Avid tea drinkers also fall into this camp thanks to its intense color pigments that cling to your enamel. The pigments are known as chromogens and are contained in other beverages like red wine as well. The darker color of your teeth can also be caused by: Smoking or other tobacco use Natural aging Oral trauma or injury Certain medications Excessive fluoride exposure (fluorosis) Poor dental hygiene If you identify with one of the reasons listed...
You’re relaxing at home with a bowl of popcorn, munching away. All is well until you bite down hard on a sneaky kernel and feel a sharp pain. While in the moment it can seem like nothing more than a little annoying, it’s still best to not ignore the experience as it may have resulted in a cracked tooth. Our Hudsonville dentists will need to take a closer look to assess the damage and make the necessary repairs. Here’s what you should know about the symptoms and treatment of cracked teeth. Signs of a Cracked Tooth For many, the biggest indication that your tooth has cracked is sudden pain when biting or chewing. This can happen especially when you ease up on the bite or expose the tooth to cold, heat, or extreme sweetness. You might also notice increased sensitivity to air or slight pressure on the area, both common symptoms of a cracked tooth. Discomfort from a cracked tooth can appear at random and cease soon after it starts. When this happens, our team of dentists may need to investigate deeper with X-rays as it can otherwise prove difficult to locate the damaged tooth. Upon examination, it’s possible we...
Tooth extraction is not a procedure you want but one that is sometimes the best for your smile. Because the goal is always to save every natural tooth, our Hudsonville dentists keep extraction out of the question until all other restorative options have been exhausted. When that happens, tooth removal becomes the solution. Here’s what you need to know about tooth extraction and when our dentists may recommend it’s time to move forward with having teeth pulled. What to Expect for the Procedure Before removing any teeth, our dentists will start by reviewing both your medical and dental history. It’s common for a few X-rays to also happen at this time. X-ray images of any tooth in question will help our dentists understand its length, shape, and position. With all appropriate information reviewed, our dentists will numb the area surrounding your tooth using local anesthetic. Thanks to the numbing, you should not feel pain during the extraction. If you experience discomfort at any point or would prefer laughing gas be used as well, please let our dentists know. After the tooth and gum tissue are properly numbed, we’ll loosen the tooth with an “elevator”, a tool commonly used in extractions....
If you’re looking for a long-lasting way to alter how your smile looks without orthodontic treatment or even teeth whitening, look no further than porcelain veneers. These wafer thin “shells” go right over your natural teeth to dramatically change their shade, size, and shape. Our Hudsonville cosmetic dentists can evaluate your current smile to confirm whether you’re a proper veneers candidate. But first, here are 4 important aspects about veneers to keep in mind before pursuing the procedure. Veneers Can: 1. Cover Chipped, Stained, and Worn Teeth As long as your natural enamel is not severely worn or damaged in a way that requires restorative dental treatment, veneers can be placed by one of our cosmetic dentists. Teeth with chips in them or discoloration too stubborn for professional whitening can both benefit from being covered by veneers. You can also use veneers to fix the following dental issues: Gaps between teeth Pointy or abnormally shaped teeth Smaller-than-average teeth Only have minorly chipped or cracked teeth? Our dentists may recommend cosmetic bonding instead. This procedure involves adding, shaping, and curing tooth-colored resin material to smooth out unwanted imperfections. Compared to porcelain veneers, bonding is less invasive in terms of...
We get it, going to the dentist is not everyone’s favorite activity. However, it is something you need to do if you want to keep your smile healthy and looking good. But how do you know when you should see one of our Hudsonville dentists? Here are 5 common instances where seeing our dentists is recommended. You Should See Our Dentists if You: 1. Spotted a Cavity (or One in the Making) It’s not unusual for small cavities to fly under the radar and go undetected. Typically, it isn’t until the cavity grows larger that patients notice the tell-tale symptoms and need treatment. Common symptoms of a cavity include: Tooth pain that occurs randomly Tooth sensitivity, especially with hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks Visible holes or pits in your teeth White, brown, or black stains on teeth Pain after biting down As soon as you experience any of the above symptoms, call our Hudsonville dental office. Our dentists can examine your teeth and place a tooth-colored filling if necessary. In certain cases where the tooth decay covers a large area of the tooth itself, our dentists may recommend a dental crown instead. 2. Have a Ongoing Toothache You...
You know you want to give Invisalign® clear aligners a try to correct your smile, but you’re not sure which type is the right choice. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the dental problems being fixed, such as the degree of teeth crowding and misalignment. For best results, our Hudsonville Invisalign dentists can help pair you with what you need. Here’s what you need to know about Invisalign and the most popular treatment types. How Invisalign Works Despite featuring no metal brackets or wires, Invisalign aligners function much in the same way that traditional braces do. For instance, the components of braces collectively apply controlled pressure on the teeth to encourage their movement into a better position. Related Post → 5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign® Over Braces Invisalign clear aligners are worn over the top and bottom teeth and are also designed to gradually shift your teeth over time. They just don’t need wires, elastics, or brackets to accomplish this goal. This alternative form of orthodontic treatment is great for teens and adults alike who want to change the appearance of their smile without the “metal mouth” look. Depending on the severity, Invisalign can help with: Tooth crowding Gaps in...
Everyone wants and deserves a healthy smile. While your teeth are an important part of that smile and its overall health, your gums are what serve as the foundation. Our Hudsonville, MI, dentists want you to know that if your gums are suffering, the rest of your mouth, and sometimes other aspects of your body, will as well. One warning sign of poor gum health is noticeable swelling. Generally, gums in this state may protrude or bulge out and swell where the gum meets the tooth. Excessive swelling can even cover part of the tooth. It can be alarming when this happens, but swollen gums can be treated with the help of our dentists and at-home methods. Here are 4 common causes behind swollen gums and available treatment options. When You Should Be Concerned If you look in the mirror, smile, and notice an area on your gums that is redder than usual, it is not necessarily the time to panic. You could have irritated your gums with a slip of the toothbrush, acidic foods, a dental appliance, or rough flossing. These things happen and can be remedied by being gentler in the future and limiting your consumption of food...
It’s a common misconception that once a cavity has developed, it’ll just disappear on its own. Even if cavities are caught very early on, they still require dedicated brushing, flossing, and exposure to fluoride for reversal. Our Hudsonville, MI, dentists want anyone experiencing a cavity to seek treatment ASAP to avoid any unnecessary pain or tooth damage. Here’s why cavities should be treated once they’re discovered and how you can prevent them altogether. Stages of Tooth Decay Did you know that there are 5 distinct stages that tooth decay goes through that contribute to the development of a cavity? Each stage is characterized by changes in appearance and or sensations felt. The main stages of tooth decay are as follows: Demineralization: In this stage, the tooth enamel is exposed to acids from bacteria that have interacted with sugars and starches. Enamel Decay: The enamel is continuing to break down and cavities can form in teeth. Dentin Decay: During the 3rd stage, the decay has reached the dentin layer of the tooth underneath the enamel. Once decay spreads to this soft tissue, pain can occur. Pulp Decay: This major stage of decay occurs when the cavity reaches the pulp. The pulp...
It’s true, dental fillings unfortunately do not last forever. Though they are applied by our Hudsonville, MI, dentists in such a way that ensures they stay put for many years, life happens, and they still can come loose. If you’ve recently had a filling fall out, it’s important not to panic. We recommend calling our office and having the filling replaced as soon as possible. We will do our best to alleviate any pain you’re feeling and have you on your way in a short period of time. In the meantime, there are things you can do (and not do) at home while you wait for care. Here is what you need to know so you can act appropriately when a filling falls out. Why a Filling May Come Loose There are a few reasons why a filling can loosen and fall out. Many of the common causes point to the food a person consumes and how their teeth bite down when eating. Regardless of how it happens, our dentists encourage you to call us so we can resolve the issue. A filling can fall out if: There is new decay present around the filling You’re chewing too hard when...
As a child, I remember trekking through the woods behind my house in search of the mysterious fountain of youth. Fast forward 30 years and my lower back pain is no indication of a successful quest. Wouldn’t it be nice if our childhood fantasies actually came true? I mean throw us a bone. At the end of the day, nothing truly lasts forever, but some things last a lot longer than others. So, how does this relate to dental implants? While they can’t last a lifetime, they can outlast you. How long do Dental Implants last? Has your mother or father ever said, “this is why we can’t have nice things”? Maybe you dropped your phone or left your windows down in a thunderstorm. The point is things last longer when properly cared for. Dental implants are no different. Let me ask you a question. If your oil change light came on would you say, “that's just a recommendation, Ol’ Bessie here can take a few thousand more miles”? Fast forward a few thousand miles and you may find yourself on the side of a highway during rush hour. You then proceed to get your car towed only to have...
Let me ask you a question… how often do you speak and chew in a day? The simple answer is: A LOT! For me my bites are heavily influenced by what is brought home from the grocery store (if it’s a bag of chips and salsa - game over). On a real note, we speak an average of 7,000+ words a day. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth those 7,000+ words and countless bites become more difficult. So what’s the solution? Dental implants, the most durable device for replacing teeth. Even better, they look and function like real teeth! What are Dental Implants? The typical Google definition is: a surgical component that works with the bone of the jaw or skull to hold a dental prosthesis like a crown, denture, bridge, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. This definition sounds like it was pulled straight from a 700 page dental school textbook, not super helpful. I mean what even is ‘dental prosthesis?’ Here is a better definition for those of you who don’t pass time reading medical textbooks and journals: think of dental implants like tree roots. Roots become part of the soil, similarly...
If you’re part of the Baby Boomer generation (ages 57+) or older, then your dental health may not be high on your priority list. Maybe you’re dealing with other health issues, or maybe you believe that whatever chance you had to protect your oral health is long gone. However, it’s never too late to practice better oral hygiene so you can have a healthier smile. This is the last blog post in our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series. Throughout this series, we’ve explored the different oral health risks people must face at different stages of life. Our Hudsonville family dentists have helped patients of all generations improve their oral health and protect their smiles. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children, Gen Z, millennials, and Generation X. Now, let’s take a look at what Baby Boomers and seniors in general can do to protect their smiles against certain oral health risks. Oral Health Concerns for Seniors Although seniors may be at risk for more oral health problems, every patient is different. A lifetime of good oral hygiene habits can go a long way in protecting your smile as you enter retirement. However, some health risks strike without warning...
If you’re in your forties or fifties—part of what’s more popularly known as Generation X, or Gen X for short—then you probably feel pretty confident about your oral health. After all, you’ve been brushing and flossing for literal decades, and dental treatments like dentures still feel far off in the future. What could you possibly need to worry about? But even middle-aged adults still have a thing or two to learn about oral hygiene. As we age and change, so do our teeth and gums. Each stage of life presents new challenges to maintaining a healthy smile. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re examining the oral health risks and healthy practices of different generations. Our Hudsonville family dentists have helped patients of all ages achieve healthier smiles. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children, Gen Z, and millennials. Now, let’s take a look at what oral health risks await Generation X (ages, 41–56, for our purposes). Oral Health Concerns for Your 40s and 50s Even if you’ve been practicing good oral hygiene habits for decades, your age puts you at an increased risk for certain health issues. For Gen Xers, you’ll need to keep an eye...
Millennials are now the largest generational cohort in America. They include everyone from young adults graduating from college to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to parents leading PTA meetings. They also, unfortunately, include adults dealing with more serious oral health issues, possibly for the first time. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re examining the oral health risks and healthy practices of different generations. Our Hudsonville family dentists have helped patients of all ages achieve healthier smiles. Previously, we’ve looked at oral hygiene tips for children as well as preteens and teenagers. Now, let’s take a look at the state of oral health for the millennial generation (ages 25-40, for our purposes). Oral Health Risks for Your 20s and 30s In general, there are two major oral health risks to keep an eye on as you enter your twenties and thirties: Gum disease Stress-related oral health issues Gum Disease Periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) can strike at any age, but it becomes particularly prevalent at this stage of life. In fact, nearly half of all adults ages 30 and older have some form of periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Specifically,...
Adolescence is famous for being a season of change, especially in the body. However, many people forget that your oral health needs also change during this time. The oral hygiene tips you learned as a child may need to be tweaked or expanded to serve you well as a teenager. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re diving deep into the oral health concerns you should be aware of at every age. Our Hudsonville family dentists are eager to help patients adopt new oral health practices at different life stages. Our first blog dealt with oral health risks and hygiene tips for children. In this blog, let’s take a look at common risks and practices for Generation Z, commonly known simply as Gen Z. Oral Health Risks for Preteens and Teenagers Preteens and teenagers need to pay special attention to the following aspects of their dental health: Dental emergencies Orthodontic treatment Eating disorders Gum disease and oral cancer Dental Emergencies It’s estimated that three out of four American households have at least one school-aged child participating in youth sports. While sports are a great form of exercise, they can also unfortunately be the cause of many dental emergencies. Without...
Invisa-what? Invisalign is a form of clear aligners used in orthodontics to straighten teeth. Think of them like braces… just better. Now, I don’t just say that without proof. Here’s why Invisalign would win in a cage match against braces: 1. Growing up did you ever dream of having a superpower? Maybe it was flying or super strength, but what about invisibility? Invisalign gives your teeth just that… like its name implies they are virtually invisible. Sure it’s not a real superpower, but it beats traditional braces, which are definitely NOT invisible! 2. Think to yourself, “do I like… popcorn at the movies eating my kid’s hard candy from Halloween while they sleep the redeeming quality of gum after a few pieces of garlic bread starting my day with a freshly toasted bagel downing a bag of chips while watching Sunday night football Or what about nuts, ice (I mean come on… ICE?), chewy candy, pizza crust, crunchy vegetables and fruits, hard crackers, pretzels, etc.” Chew on that, no pun intended. Those are all pulled from a list titled, “Foods To Completely Avoid With Braces.” Guess who wins round 2 of the Invisalign vs. Braces cage match? You guessed it – Invisalign. All of those…
Did you know that different oral health risks occur at different ages? That means you’ll need new oral hygiene habits and dental treatments at different stages of your life. In our Oral Hygiene Tips blog series, we’re taking a look at the kinds of oral health issues you should expect and the habits you should practice at certain ages. Our Hudsonville family dentists will be there for you every step of the way. For our first blog, let’s discuss some oral health risks and hygiene tips for children. Typical Risks to Your Child’s Oral Health The two most common health risks for young children are cavities and common dental emergencies. Dental Cavities 42% of children ages 2 to 11 have had dental caries (cavities) in their baby teeth. While this statistic is troubling, you may be thinking, “Wait a minute — why does it matter if cavities form in baby teeth? Aren’t they going to fall out anyway?” While it’s true that baby teeth (also known as primary teeth) aren’t permanent, that doesn’t mean tooth decay is less of a problem. We have to treat cavities in children’s primary teeth so their adult teeth will emerge correctly. Also, untreated cavities...
Dental emergencies can be just as time-sensitive and dangerous as other health emergencies. However, our Hudsonville, MI, emergency dentists strongly urge you to not wait until you’re experiencing one to act. There’s plenty you can do while your smile is still healthy to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here’s what you need to know about dental emergencies and how they can be avoided. 1. Adopt Good Oral Hygiene Habits If you decide to adopt just one preventive practice, make it this one. Practicing good oral hygiene is one of the best things you can do to prevent dental emergencies. What is good oral hygiene? Our definition, informed by recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA), includes three easy habits: Brushing your teeth for two minutes, at least twice a day Flossing daily Getting your teeth professionally cleaned every six months Brushing and flossing get rid of plaque, which is a thin layer of bacteria that damages your teeth and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Most plaque can be removed with at-home oral care but any plaque that’s left behind can develop into tartar. That can only be removed by a dental professional...
Good oral hygiene is the foundation of your oral health. That means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling a teeth cleaning every six months. But if you’re already brushing and flossing, why do you need a teeth cleaning? Do you really need to see the dentist twice a year? The answer is yes — for the most part. Here are a few reasons why you should see your dentist every six months. Get a Stronger, More Thorough Teeth Cleaning Brushing and flossing on your own is critical in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque, the slick film you feel on your teeth in the morning, forms naturally every day, and brushing and flossing is the only way to get rid of it. If you don’t brush and floss, then bacteria will consume the plaque and produce acids that will wear down your teeth and gums. Plaque that builds up over time eventually turns into tartar, a harder substance that can’t be removed with at-home oral hygiene habits. Even if you’re a devoted brusher and flosser, there may be parts of your teeth that are difficult to reach where plaque can build up over time, turning...
You may have considered what it would cost to have a healthy smile, but what does an unhealthy smile cost you? When you consider the effects of an unhealthy smile, perhaps you think of crooked or discolored teeth, bad breath, or even tooth loss. But a lack of oral hygiene can lead to health problems beyond those in your mouth. Your body is made of interconnected systems, and the mouth serves as the primary gateway for what enters the body. That means that an unhealthy mouth can result in health problems elsewhere in your body. Similarly, the mouth can serve as a diagnostic tool for other health issues that seem to have little to do with your smile. How Your Oral Health Affects Your Body Did you know your mouth is full of bacteria? Don’t worry — for the most part, this is actually a good thing! A healthy mouth needs to have enough good bacteria to fight off disease-carrying microorganisms that may enter the mouth when you breathe, drink, or eat. Unfortunately, not all bacteria in your mouth are quite so beneficial. Plaque forms naturally on your teeth when you consume sugar or carbohydrates. If not brushed or flossed...
Most of us learned how you should brush teeth in early childhood, probably by the time we started kindergarten. But have you updated your brushing technique since then? If not, our Hudsonville, MI, dentists suggest you need to do so. Taking care of your oral health is a life skill that should grow along with you, just like other hygiene habits. How you brushed your teeth at age 5 shouldn’t be how you brush your teeth at age 35. Here’s what you need to know so you can fend off cavities, gum disease, and overall brush your teeth the right way as an adult. How to Brush Your Teeth The general rule and the American Dental Association’s (ADA) official recommendation is that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Most people choose to brush first thing in the morning and right before bed, so they don’t forget. It’s also a nice way to ensure your mouth is clean both when you start your day and when you go to sleep. Each time you brush your teeth, you should brush for 2 whole minutes. On average, most Americans only brush for 45 seconds which is not enough. Brushing for...
Porcelain veneers are a special kind of dental procedure. They don’t fall under the usual categories of routine dental maintenance, like teeth cleanings, or serious restoration, like root canals. Instead, porcelain veneers are an elective procedure performed by our Hudsonville, MI, cosmetic dentists. Let’s look at what exactly veneers are, how to get them, and who’s a good candidate to receive them. What Are Porcelain Veneers? Porcelain veneers are tooth-colored, wafer-thin slices or “shells” of porcelain adhered to the front of your teeth. They can improve your teeth’s color, length, size, and/or shape. Veneers can also be made from other materials, but porcelain is often preferred because of the way it reflects light similarly to natural enamel and resists tooth stains. How Do You Get Porcelain Veneers? You can ask our dentists about the porcelain veneers procedure during your routine six-month teeth cleaning. Once you decide to move forward with this procedure, the process usually takes two appointments. The First Appointment First, our dentists will have to prepare your teeth to receive the veneers. That means removing a small amount of enamel from the fronts of your teeth. This can cause alarm for some patients, but don’t worry — your...
Dentists offer an essential healthcare service. Hudsonville Dental is open for emergency dental services and urgent dental care during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. But what is a dental emergency? What’s the difference between a dental emergency and urgent dental care? Hudsonville Dentist Is Open for Dental Emergencies A dental emergency is “potentially life-threatening” and requires “immediate treatment,” according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Examples of dental emergencies include: Uncontrolled bleeding Soft tissue bacterial infection with swelling in or around the mouth that may compromise your ability to breathe Facial trauma that may compromise your ability to breathe If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call us immediately for an appointment at (616) 209-4024. Hudsonville Dental Is Open for Urgent Dental Care Urgent dental care is necessary “to relieve severe pain and/or risk of infection.” These are situations when it’s best for you to see a dentist instead of filling one of the few beds in your hospital’s emergency room. If you’re suffering from any of the following, you can call our office to schedule an appointment with our dentists: Severe dental pain Painful tooth fracture Abscess or infection resulting in swelling Required preoperative treatment for critical procedures Postoperative treatment...
COVID-19 Update – June 30, 2021:We are jumping with joy to be able to see all of your beautiful smiles again and grateful to have made it this far together! Thank you for your continued support. We are so very appreciative of you and your trust in us as your dental team. We are excited to share some updated COVID guidelines with you! With the recent changes in the State of Michigan here is what to expect when you visit our office: Curbside Check-In is still an option, however, you are welcome to come in and wait in our lobby when you arrive for your appointment. We do ask that you come by yourself if at all possible. For appointments for minor children, we ask that only one parent or guardian accompany them to the appointment and stay on the premises. We encourage you to wear a mask or face covering into the office, however, it is no longer mandatory. We will be taking your temperature using a touchless thermometer and will ask you to fill out a short COVID-19 screening form. What are we continuing to do to keep you and our community safe? The health and safety of our...
Invisalign® can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months but that doesn't mean that you won't experience some discomfort during treatment. Fortunately, our Hudsonville Invisalign dentists can help you find ways to make it through with less pain. Invisalign aligners work by exerting constant pressure on your teeth. Because of this, you may feel the most discomfort during the first 2 to 3 days of wearing new aligners. Here are 6 tips for making Invisalign more comfortable. 1. Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers Are you getting a new set of clear aligners soon? If so, take some over-the-counter pain relievers before your appointment with us. That way, the medication will have enough time to take effect before you wear your new aligners. Some common over-the-counter pain relievers you can use include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen. Be sure to only take these as directed and not to overdo anything. 2. Switch to New Aligners Before Sleeping Sometimes it's easier to ignore pain while you're asleep. If you're one of those people, switch to your new aligners right before bed. By doing this, you'll easily be able to get through the first few hours while you're sleeping. You may...
If your dental crown is loose or has fallen off, it’s tempting to panic. Fortunately, losing a crown isn’t usually considered a dental emergency. As long as there are no jagged edges, you don’t need to rush in to see our Hudsonville, MI, dentists. You should still make plans to have your crown repaired as soon as it’s convenient for you. Here’s what you need to know about losing your dental crown. Is a Broken Crown a Dental Emergency? The only time you’d need to call our emergency dentists for a broken crown is if the edges are noticeably sharp. In this situation, you may need emergency dental care so you don’t cut your tongue or cheeks by accident. Otherwise, you’ll be able to wait a few days for your appointment. Signs & Symptoms of a Loose Crown While dental crowns are built to last many years, life still happens. When a crown starts to wear out and loosen, you may feel a few different sensations that can signal something is off. Our dentists recommend coming into our office if you notice: Your crown feels wobbly compared to your natural teeth Bits of food are getting trapped where your gums...
Your dental insurance likely renews on January 1st, which means if you haven’t yet made an appointment for a dental visit, now is the time. You can maximize your dental benefits by making an appointment for dental treatment before the year is over. Our family dentists want you to know what your insurance covers during a visit to our office. Here are just a few of the procedures you might consider. Teeth Cleanings Your dental insurance will typically cover at least two dental examinations every year, so if you haven’t made an appointment for a teeth cleaning yet, now is the time! Our family dentists are happy to provide teeth cleanings for patients of all ages, so the whole family can feel comfortable in our office. At your dental exam, we’ll thoroughly clean your teeth and check your mouth for any signs of dental issues, such as oral cancer or gum disease. We’ll also remove any plaque that’s built up along your gum line to help prevent gingivitis. Regular teeth cleanings help us monitor your oral health and prevent potential problems from getting worse. Restorative Dentistry If you’ve been putting off dental treatment like fillings, crowns, root canals, or extractions,...
Wish you could straighten teeth without traditional metal braces? Invisalign® might be the right choice for your smile. Schedule a consultation with one of our dentists to learn if you’re a candidate for Invisalign clear aligners. We get a lot of questions about Invisalign treatment, which is why we created this list of frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for below, schedule an appointment with one of our Invisalign dentists. What is Invisalign? As the name suggests, Invisalign describes a series of nearly invisible aligners that move your teeth little by little into a straighter smile. The aligners fit over your teeth and exert enough pressure to move them into place. How does Invisalign work? You’ll need to wear your Invisalign aligners 20 to 22 hours a day. Otherwise, your teeth won’t move according to schedule. Every few weeks, you’ll need to see one of our dentists so they can evaluate your progress and hand you the next set of aligners in your series. Many of our patients are able to achieve noticeably straighter teeth within 18 months. Will Invisalign hurt? While your new clear aligners will hurt during the first day or so, many...
If you’re thinking about dentures as an option to replace a few teeth or an entire arch, congratulations! Dentures are an effective way to restore the look and function of a natural smile. However, there is an adjustment period in which you’ll need to spend some time getting used to the feeling of having them in your mouth. Our Hudsonville, MI denture dentists are more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you have regarding getting your new smile with dentures. Here are a few things to keep in mind about the first 30 days with your new dentures. In the First 24 Hours Like the name suggests, immediate dentures can be worn immediately after extracting teeth. If we need to extract teeth, our cosmetic dentists may prescribe you pain relievers and antibiotics to take as directed while the site heals. It’s important that you don’t remove your dentures during the first 24 hours so the gums have a chance to heal. Your full dentures act much like a bandaid during your first day, which is why you’ll even need to wear your dentures to bed. After the 24 hours, we highly recommend removing your dentures before going to...
Our dentists use both dentures and dental implants to replace teeth. Do you know what tooth replacement options are right for you? Each patient is different which is why it’s important to know the pros and cons of each. We are here to help you make an informed decision about your dental treatment. For more information, contact our office today to request a consultation with one of our dental implant dentists in Hudsonville, MI. Dentures Vs. Dental Implants Dentures Dentures are an oral appliance made to look and function like natural teeth. Depending on the extent of tooth loss, our dentists may recommend a full or partial denture. While a full denture replaces an entire arch of teeth, a partial denture only replaces a few teeth. Dentures sit on top of your gums and must be removed before you go to sleep so your gums have a chance to recover. When you’re not wearing your dentures, they’ll need to be submerged in a glass of water or denture cleanser so they don’t dry out, crack, and warp. Types of Dentures We can help you explore the different types of dentures available, including partial, conventional or complete, and immediate dentures. Let’s...
After such a long dreary winter, one of the best things you can do for your well-being is improve the appearance of your smile. We understand that your smile says a lot about your personality, which is why we offer cosmetic dentistry services to help you feel more confident. Whether you’re interested in professional teeth whitening or porcelain veneers, you can trust our Hudsonville, MI cosmetic dentists to plan and carry out your smile makeover this spring. It’s been our experience that people are more interested in improving their appearance just before summer, whether through gym memberships or cosmetic dentistry. Don’t wait! Request an appointment with our cosmetic dentists today to learn how you could enjoy a beautiful healthy smile in time for summer. It has always been one of our goals to help patients smile with confidence. Ways to Improve Your Smile This Spring: Invisalign® Dental Crowns Porcelain Veneers Teeth Whitening Invisalign Straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months with Invisalign braces! Like the name suggests, Invisalign are nearly invisible aligners that fit over your teeth. If you think you would feel self-conscious with traditional metal braces, ask our Invisalign dentists if you’re a candidate for...
No insurance? No problem! Ask our office in Hudsonville, Michigan about our dental membership plans starting as low as $24.99 a month. We want to be sure that you and your family receive the quality dental care that you need! Our Hudsonville dentists understand that you’re on a budget, which is why we do everything in our power to provide affordable dental care. Please contact us today if you have any questions or concerns regarding our membership plan. Continue reading to learn how we provide affordable dentistry to families just like yours. IN THIS BLOG POST What Are The Benefits Of The Hudsonville Dental Membership Plan? Who Benefits From Our Dental Membership Plan? How Do I Get Started? What Are The Benefits Of The Hudsonville Dental Membership Plan? No Service Exclusions No Waiting Periods No Annual Maximums Save On What You Need Never Pay For What You Don’t Use No Service Exclusions Dental insurance excludes a variety of services from their coverage, including orthodontics, veneers, and other “elective” procedures. Fortunately, our membership plan can be used for all our in-house services. We offer affordable dental care so you can enjoy good oral health and smile with confidence. Your smile says...
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to be healthier. For 2019, our Hudsonville dentists challenge you to protect your oral health by scheduling your teeth cleaning and oral examination at least every 6 months. Our team of Hudsonville dentists are dedicated to helping you maintain your dental health. Likewise, if you’ve been putting off getting the dental treatments you need, now is the perfect time to schedule a consultation with our office in Hudsonville, Michigan. Continue reading to learn how to take advantage of your dental benefits in the new year. Using Your Dental Benefits When does my dental insurance renew? Most dental insurance plans reset at the start of the calendar year, which is January 1. However, before you schedule an appointment with our Hudsonville dentists, be sure to check the specific details of your policy. Some dental benefits renew at the start of your contract year, which is when your policy took effect. What is an annual maximum for dental insurance? An annual maximum is the most your dental plan will pay for treatment during a calendar year or other specified time period. If you need a lot of dental work to restore your smile,...
Did you know February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Our dentists are dedicated to ensuring your child's dental health now and in the future. Our Hudsonville pediatric dentists want to help you and your child understand the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth through brushing, flossing, and scheduling teeth cleaning appointments at least every 6 months. Our office in Hudsonville, Michigan is ready to help you set up an appointment for your child with one of our pediatric dentists. The Importance of Awareness for Children’s Dental Health Tooth decay is the #1 chronic childhood disease in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fortunately, our pediatric dentists are able to help prevent cavities with dental sealants and other treatments. National Children’s Dental Health Month is a good reminder for us all that children are building the foundations for their oral health. Our Hudsonville pediatric dentists are proud to help young patients learn healthy oral hygiene habits that’ll last a lifetime. How to Recognize National Children’s Dental Health Month Talk to your child about oral hygiene Reinforce good oral hygiene habits (e.g. brushing teeth twice a day) Schedule your child’s next teeth cleaning and oral...
We may feel the dropping temperature in our toes, but we shouldn’t be feeling it in our teeth! Some of us experience a shock of tooth pain as we breathe in the crisp air or sip hot chocolate. Sensitive teeth are common in temperature extremes, so we notice it more during the winter season. Fortunately, our dentists can help you find a solution to relieve sensitive teeth and dental pain. If you have issues with sensitive teeth, or have any questions or concerns, please contact our dentist office today. Our skilled dentists and staff are waiting to help you find relief from sensitive teeth. Why Do My Teeth Feel So Sensitive in Winter? Is your tooth sensitive to cold or heat? Sensitive teeth are fairly common, yet shouldn’t be ignored. Sudden tooth sensitivity could be your body trying to tell you something is wrong. As with most oral health issues, it’s best to treat sensitive teeth as soon as possible. The main reasons for sensitive teeth include: Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles Teeth grinding at night Receding gums, typically from gum disease Tooth decay Cracked tooth Abscess tooth When teeth are healthy, they’re protected from...
Did you know that about half of Americans age 30 and older have periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Periodontal disease is caused by untreated plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth and gums. The bacteria in dental plaque is enough to irritate your gums and cause them to bleed more easily. Fortunately, our dentists can help protect your smile from periodontal disease with scaling and root planing. While gum disease can be cured in its early stages by good oral hygiene and professional teeth cleanings, the same can’t be said of periodontitis (the advanced form of gum disease). Periodontal disease deteriorates the bone structure supporting your teeth and causes your gums to recede, putting you at higher risk for tooth loss. In this blog post, we'll go over how our dentists can slow the progression of periodontal disease so that you can regain good oral health. For more information on periodontal treatment, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our dentists. Know the Signs of Gum Disease The best way to treat gum disease is to catch it in its early stages. Unfortunately, many people are unaware they have gum disease until the...
Your smile says a lot about your personality, which is why it’s important to take excellent care of your teeth and gums. Our Hudsonville, MI, cosmetic dentists can also help you enhance your smile with various aesthetic-based treatments if you’re feeling less than enthused about its appearance. Smiling has the potential to improve your relationships, happiness, and overall quality of life, so why not love how it looks? At Hudsonville Dental, our skilled dentists and staff are ready to help you get the smile that you have always wanted. Here are a few other advantages of smiling and how cosmetic dentistry can help you. Why It’s Good to Smile As the famous song goes, “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.” Our cosmetic dentists know that this verse still rings true today. When you smile — that is, when you’re not afraid to open your mouth and show your teeth — you convey a sense of well-being and confidence. And, indeed, everyone wants to smile with you. In fact, smiling can be contagious. People respond positively to a bright smile, whether they’re a prospective dating partner, friend, or future boss. How healthy is smiling? Good question! Research shows...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that approximately 47.2% of adults age 30 and older have periodontal disease. The CDC also reports that tooth decay is the most common chronic disease affecting American children. What both statistics have in common is plaque. Fortunately, our Hudsonville, MI, dentists can help you avoid oral health issues when you schedule a teeth cleaning every 6 months. Plaque is an invisible film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth and gums. Over time, this plaque eats sugar and starch to produce acid. It’s this acid that erodes tooth enamel and attacks your gums. Fortunately, our dentists can remove plaque and tartar, as well as advise you on how to maintain a healthy smile. Here are 5 important components that should be a part of every oral hygiene routine. Improve Your Oral Health By: 1. Brushing At Least Twice a Day The American Dental Association (ADA) and our dentists recommend you brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride occurs naturally and has long been recognized for its oral health benefits. In fact, many municipalities have fluoridated drinking water to help reduce cavities. Make sure you brush for...
Did you know 47.2% of Americans age 30 and older have periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? While early gum disease (gingivitis) is reversible with a teeth cleaning from our Hudsonville dentists and a healthy at-home oral hygiene routine, the same can’t be said once it progresses into periodontitis. Here’s how you can protect your mouth from the onset of gum disease. You Can Work to Prevent Gum Disease By: 1.) Practicing Daily Oral Hygiene Gum disease is caused by untreated dental plaque buildup on your teeth and gums. While you’ll still need a professional teeth cleaning to get rid of tartar (hardened plaque), brushing your teeth at home at least twice a day will remove most plaque. Our dentists recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste that contains fluoride. Make sure you also floss once daily to remove plaque hiding between teeth and along the gum line. If you’re regularly brushing and flossing every day, you should be in good shape. A bonus, however, would be to also integrate an ADA approved mouthwash into your routine to further help keep gum disease at bay. 2.) Getting More Vitamin...
Do your holiday plans include a trip to the dentist? They should. Most insurance companies give you a certain amount to spend on dental care each year. However, you could be missing out on these benefits if you don’t see your dentist at least twice a year for preventive care. Scheduling your appointment near the end of the year is the perfect way to make sure you take full advantage of your dental benefits. You have until the end of the year to use up your dental benefits. You might as well get full use of your dental insurance before it resets on January 1. Continue reading to discover the other “dirty little secrets” dental insurance companies don’t want you to know. Reasons to Use Your Dental Benefits Use it or Lose it! Most insurance companies give you an annual amount to spend on dental care. If you don’t use your benefits, they’re gone forever. Year-end visits are the best way to use dental benefits all you can. If you’ve been putting off your next appointment because you were afraid of what we might find, schedule your appointment before the end of the year. Our dentists and the American Dental...
Missing teeth affect more than just the appearance of your smile--they also can make you look older than your chronological age. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root (typically made of titanium) that supports a crown. Our experienced dentists are waiting to help you regain your smile with dental implants. If you’ve ever felt embarrassed of missing teeth, it’s time to schedule a consultation with one of our dental implant dentists. We can determine whether you’re a candidate for dental implant surgery or other tooth replacement options. Continue reading to learn more about how to get started with your dental implants. Avoid Wearing Dentures with Dental Implants There are many ways in which we age. However, simply shrugging off poor teeth as part of aging can undermine more than your looks. People who wear dentures for years will eventually experience facial collapse once their lower jaw deteriorates enough. When this happens, it becomes difficult to refit dentures so patients can chew without pain. Even well-fitting dentures will occasionally slip when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or even smile. The abrupt movement causes dentures to shift. While this can be discreetly corrected by gently biting down and swallowing, many of our...
It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Ask our Hudsonville cosmetic dentists if you’re a candidate for Invisalign® clear aligner treatment. We often recommend Invisalign for teenagers and adults who want to correct crooked teeth but don’t want all that comes with traditional orthodontic treatment. Continue reading to learn if Invisalign aligners are right for you. Also, feel free to call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. We’re always more than happy to answer any questions you might have. What Issues Can Invisalign Fix? Before you decide to pursue Invisalign, it’s important to know what this clear alternative is best suited to treat. One of our dentists will sit down with you to discuss next steps after performing an oral examination of your teeth and bite. It’s during this one-on-one that we can inform you of whether Invisalign is the right choice or not. Invisalign can treat the following orthodontic problems: Crooked teeth that slightly overlap Gaps between teeth Teeth that protrude or are not in their proper position Overcrowding of teeth Minor open bites, underbites, and overbites How Does Invisalign Work? Before aligners can be created, our Invisalign dentists will...
Wish you had a whiter healthier smile? This is a common patient “complaint” heard by our Hudsonville cosmetic dentists. Fortunately, we can help. Many of our patients have the most success with improved oral hygiene routines, custom teeth whitening trays, and diet changes. Here are a few ways you can work towards a brighter smile at home and in our Hudsonville dental office. If You Want to Achieve Whiter Teeth, You Should: Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks If you want to keep a naturally white smile, you’ll need to limit certain foods and drinks. Coffee is one of the biggest culprits behind tooth discoloration. While we understand that coffee provides that much-needed boost of energy as you’re trying to get out the door, it can also stain teeth over time. Even if you don’t stop drinking coffee completely, you might want to cut down on how much you drink each day. Other foods or drinks that stain teeth include red wine, tea, tomato sauce, berries or fruit juices, and dark cola. Brush and Floss Daily Plaque is an invisible film of bacteria that lives on your teeth. Over time, plaque buildup can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum...
Never ignore a toothache. If a cavity is deep enough to penetrate the inner chamber of your tooth, you’ll need emergency dental care or risk dental extraction. Our dentists will do everything in their power to save your tooth, including root canal therapy. During a root canal, we remove the infected tooth pulp and later strengthen your tooth with a crown. Continue reading to learn what you can expect during a root canal and how to recognize the signs of a tooth abscess. Do I Need a Root Canal? Some people don’t experience symptoms until it’s too late to save the tooth. For this reason, it’s important to see our dentists every 3-6 months for preventive care. During your dental exam, we check for tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues that compromise oral health. You might need a root canal if you are experiencing: Severe toothache Tooth darkening in color Pimple on the gums Prolonged tooth sensitivity to hot and cold Swollen tender gums If you recognize any of the above symptoms, call our office as soon as possible to schedule your appointment. The sooner we can treat your tooth, the more likely you’ll be able to avoid dental...
Wish you could straighten teeth without metal braces? Ask one of our Hudsonville cosmetic dentists if Invisalign® is right for you. Like the name suggests, Invisalign consists of nearly invisible top and bottom aligners that gradually move your teeth little by little into the perfect smile. If you’re not a fan of metal wires and brackets, clear aligners can be the perfect alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment. Continue reading to learn why our cosmetic dentists recommend Invisalign. 1.) Maintain an Uninterrupted Oral Health Routine Since Invisalign clear aligners are removable, you can continue your usual oral hygiene routine without any issue. After all, brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily is much easier when you don’t have to clean around braces. When you have traditional metal braces, food tends to get stuck in hard-to-reach places. Since the plaque on your teeth feeds on sugar, neglecting your oral health can lead to cavities, gum disease, and other issues. With Invisalign clear aligners, simply take them out, gently brush them at the same time as when you regularly brush and floss, and place them right back in afterward. 2.) Continue Eating Your Favorite Foods Good news: there are no dietary...
It’s never good to ignore or put off treatment for a toothache. If you’ve been feeling persistent tooth pain, you should schedule an appointment as soon as possible with our Hudsonville emergency dentists. Depending on the extent of the decay or damage, our dentists may recommend either a tooth-colored filling or a dental crown. Because every patient is different and not all situations call for the same solution, we will only offer what’s going to benefit your oral health the most in the long run. Here’s an overview of how the two restorations compare so you can know when either is needed. As always, don’t hesitate to call our Hudsonville office if you have specific questions regarding treatment. How Do Crowns & Fillings Differ? Both dental crowns and fillings are common restorative treatments, but they serve different purposes and are used in varying situations. While fillings are typically used to repair minor cavities and small-scale damage, crowns are often employed for more extensive dental work. For Instance, a Dental Crown Can: Treat more severe tooth decay, damage, or oral injuries Cover and strengthen a tooth Involve high-quality porcelain or ceramic materials Require dental impressions to be taken Hide stubborn tooth...
Did you know that our Hudsonville dentists might be able to detect early signs of diabetes, osteoporosis, and even heart disease just by examining your mouth? Many people don’t realize that oral health is linked to the overall health of your body until it’s too late. The best way to take care of your smile is to see our dentists every 6 months for a routine teeth cleaning and dental exam. After all, the goal of preventive dentistry is to protect oral health before you lose it. Here are 5 medical issues that should be further confirmed with a primary care physician if our team of dentists find their telltale warning signs. Your Teeth and Gums Can Show Signs Of: 1.) Diabetes People with diabetes have difficulty resisting infection, which often leads to gum disease. Gum disease is caused by an untreated buildup of plaque, an invisible film of bacteria on your teeth. Fortunately, early gum disease (gingivitis) is reversible with good oral hygiene practiced at home and teeth cleanings from our dentists every 6 months. However, if ignored, gingivitis will develop into a serious and long-term gum infection called periodontitis. If you have a family history of diabetes, talk...
No Insurance?No Problem!